Prevention over medical bills! -A flea story
We always try to keep in mind to provide the most appropriate protection for our pets because we are afraid of them. We hear about lots of horrible diseases that we afraid of them like diabetes, arthritis, skin diseases, sensitivity, heartworm, or diseases spread by ticks and fleas but the conscious prevention only comes into our sight when the trouble has already happened. Because we use something that we think will be enough to prevent the disease, but not sure we think it through, we make conscious choices, or we look after it. Most people buy something because they saw it somewhere or went to the shop and pick one from the line, but it wasn’t a conscious preventive step. He/she bought it because has heard of the disease for which she/he bought a product but is unaware of what would be the most effective remedy.
Prevention against fleas is important because these can spread many dangerous diseases as tapeworm, anemia, flea allergy dermatitis, Bartonella. These are just some serious diseases that fleas can spread by their bite which can be prevented if we pay attention to it. “The best way to avoid future household infestations is to maintain pets on a preventive treatment regimen of products” (Michael F. Potter) like chemicals (spot-on, collar, drops), essential oils, or chemical-free preventive repellent like Tickless, which works with ultrasound against these annoying parasites.
How can I spot that my dog/cat has fleas?
Although scratching is the No. 1 sign of fleas in cats and dogs, even if your pet is not itching, biting, or chewing at his skin excessively, he could still have fleas. And itchy skin isn’t the only concern: Fleas can pass on other parasites and diseases like tapeworm and cat-scratch disease. A flea infestation is not something any pet or person should have to suffer through.
The traditional approach for battling fleas typically involved concurrent treatment of both the pet and your home. Revolutionary new products for eliminating fleas on pets like Tickless have led to rethinking this long-held approach. “Products for treating dogs and cats are available in the form of oral medications and topical “spot on” solutions, as well as sprays, collars, and shampoos. Be sure to read the product label to ensure you are purchasing the correct formulation and dosage for your pet.” (Michael F. Potter) Usage of medicines and pills are also a form of treatment, and a flea infestation termination is a long term story. To hasten the elimination of fleas within the home you should follow the steps below:
- Remove all toys, clothing, and stored items from floors, under beds, and in closets.
- Remove pet food and water dishes, cover any fish tanks, and disconnect their aerators.
- Wash pet bedding! This is extremely important because fleas lay eggs in your pet’s bed.
- Vacuuming! This removes many of the eggs, larvae, and pupae developing within the home. Don't forget to vacuum along the edges of rooms and beneath furniture, cushions, beds, and throw rugs! Fleas can lay eggs everywhere so you should do cleaning with great care!
Prevention begins with you!
Take steps to reduce the chance of flea infestation in your home! You save a lot of time, energy, and money if you don’t let the fleas multiply in your apartment and instead prevent the fleas from flocking to your puppy and its immediate surroundings. Use Tickless Home in your apartment and prevent flea infestation!
Michael F. Potter, E. E. (n.d.). Flea Control and Prevention. University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, USA.