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What Customers Say About Our Products
Thank you to everyone who uses our products! We understand
that sometimes you may need more information or want to hear what others think
before making a decision. That's why we've gathered a few of our favorite
reviews from our beloved customers, who have shared their experiences with us.
We hope their feedback helps you in your journey with our products!

- "After seeing how effective this product is on my dog I realized there's one for my kids! And they do work, despite my original skepticism."
Judith - "Honestly, I don't believe in this kind of methods, but this product surprised me. I've put it on my shirt while going out to the forest and returned with no ticks. Since I've bought this I haven't seen any tick. I think I will buy it again."
Peter - “Small and indiscreet wouldn’t know you had it on. Worn in Wester-Ross for two weeks......not one tick. Worn same place for two weeks before purchase 25 tick bites. Its a no brainer!”
Holden - "I live in heavily tick-infested northern Wisconsin and my dog runs in a woody area daily. I was always pulling ticks off her even with the most popular, vet-recommended flea and tick product but not with this ultrasonic tag."

- „Love this! No nasty chemicals are required. I clip to his collar and have never found a sucker on him! I’m in my third one and have been using it for just over two years.”
Erica S. - "Brilliant idea. Seems to work very well, as no problems for our dog last year. She cannot cope with the normal collar, so this ultrasonic solution is great. Good value for money."
John P. - „Safe and chemical free - I have added a small clip so that we can take it off before our cocker spaniel jumps in the water but can easily replace it back on. Good product”
- „So far my dog has stayed free from ticks and fleas. It is better than a collar. Would recommend”
Gabby D. - „Very good, pleased with the product. Very good, saves a lot of scratching with my puppy, better than all the other things, no harmful side affects.”
Max W.

- Bought this for my dog last Summer after getting fleas again- third time in few months. She has not had fleas since wearing this device so it must be work. My dog also likes to go swimming and sometimes I have forgotten to remove her collar with the device on it before she gets wet but it still works . I can't comment on how good it is at repelling ticks as my dog has never been bothered with them."
Zoe - „My dog always had trouble with fleas. I tried everything then finally found this. It works a treat and he hasn't had fleas since. Bought them for my two puppies and they are flea free. Now I don't have to keep spraying them with nasty chemicals.”
Bryce - „I'm not sure how it works but my dog loves running through long grass and had a nasty tick before I got this. I'm sure she would have picked up a few more by now but since wearing this gizmo on her collar she has had none!!!! It's still going after a few months too. Have bought 2 just in case and ready for next year!”

- "Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I ordered and have used the Tickless mini on my small dog (Chinese crested powder puff) that responds terribly to all parasitic medication ( i.e., paralyzes). I live on 13 acres of woods that have lots of ticks- that I regularly pulled off him last year. This year- at the first site of a tick in his ear, I put the Tickless on his collar. Since then: NOT ONE TICK. I am a believer!! I would also like to say that he is not in the least bothered by the Tickless and it has not detached from his collar as he plows through the underbrush, ferns, branches, and underbrush we hike through daily. Let me know how to help spread the word of the value of your product. Thank you!"
Stephanie - “We have been using the Tickless devices on our boxer dogs for about 3 years and we see the difference it makes for both fleas and ticks, we won’t let our dogs be without them because they are not given the toxic flea prevention products. There were a couple times they needed to be replaced and we started seeing fleas. After a flea bath and new devices, fleas were gone right away. We swear by them and recommend to others!!”
Karla - My Bichon scratches non stop. One flea will drive her insane and she damages herself causing inflamed skin, and the constant licking makes it worse to the extent that she needs antibiotics and steroids. Vet said that is not a good thing to keep using those. Used several well known flea prep. Advantage, Frontline, Advocat etc. To be effective this nerve agent/poison has to get in the bloodstream for the flea to bite and feed and thus die. So the flea has to get on her to die. Its the bite that causes the inflammation. So in desperation I researched and read and researched. I purchased it on 9th September. She has worn it for four weeks no further biting and scratching and the old injuries that she caused herself are healing at last. The good thing with the Ultrasonic flea tag is that it does not allow fleas to get on the dog in the first place. It does NOT kill fleas - the ultra-sonic acts as a barrier and the fleas do not get on her anymore. I am a cynical long-time dog owner and work with dogs. Whoopppeeedo."